Hot new 4-H club is getting ready for competition!

Hot new 4-H club is getting ready for competition!

robot on matt

The Hunt Valley Junior and Senior Robotics 4-H Clubs have been very busy preparing for their robotics FIRST Lego League Qualifier competition, which takes place on January 25th, 2014. They have spent numerous hours researching natural disasters, building robots, and programming their robots to perform numerous tasks. The members of the Hunt Valley Junior and Senior Robotics 4-H Teams have been meeting numerous times through winter break in order to fine tune their robot programs and skills. The club members have been meticulously strategizing different missions and how to obtain the most number of points. The club members also have been designing t-shirts so they can be easily identified at the competitions. They are very excited to be competing in their first robotics competition. Stay tuned to this blog to find out how they do, and don’t forget to wish them luck in the comments!